Whilst stress incontinence can affect up to 50% of women, Dr Merci Kusel of Azure medical says that only 15% of people affected by this condition seek help.
Many suffer in silence, too embarrassed to tell anyone, or to get medical help. If you have any of these symptoms, you might be suffering from stress incontinence.
• A need to empty your bladder more frequently.
• An urge to rush to get to the toilet in time.
• Leakage of urine when you sneeze, cough or laugh.
• Leakage of urine when you play sport or exercise?
• You feel the need to wear pantyliners in case of ‘accidents’
• You plan your daily routine around where the nearest toilet is.
In the past, treatments for stress incontinence have been invasive, unpleasant, or have had the potential to cause side effects.
It doesn’t have to be that way. Stop Uncontrollable Leakage of Urine With Our Prolapse Treatment.
These days, Laser therapy is a safe and well-tolerated alternative, with minimal side effects. Vaginal Laser treatment heats the tissues very precisely. This heating stimulates collagen production and greatly improves the strength and structure of the vagina. It’s a natural rejuvenation of the pelvic floor, which restores support to the bladder and therefore normal function.
Laser treatment that can give you long lasting improvement, freeing you from the worry of bladder leakage and enabling you to enjoy a full and active life. The great thing is, no anaesthetic, drugs or special precautions are required, and you can return home or to work straight away.
Laser vaginal treatment is also used to help counter pelvic organ prolapse, where the uterus can descend due to lack of support; vaginal soreness and dryness after the menopause; and to tighten the vagina in order to restore normal sensation and pleasure during sexual intercourse.
See how this procedure works.
The Cost is $1,000 per session, with 2-3 sessions being required depending on the severity of your condition. At Azure Medical, we care for our patients as individuals, and be assured that you will have a full assessment and full explanation before you need to decide whether to go ahead.
Don’t be one of the 85% that suffer in silence, when a possible solution is readily available.
Call Azure Medical on 9286 9900 or contact us BELOW
Contact Azure Medical Cottesloe :
Address: 460 Stirling Hwy, Cottesloe WA 6011
Phone:(08) 9286 9900
Hours: Monday 8am–6pm
Tuesday 8am–6pm
Wednesday 8am–7pm
Thursday 8am–6pm
Friday 8am–6pm
Saturday 9am–12pm
Sunday Closed
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